Friday, October 31, 2008

What if you have no choice?

Say now you are a single mom. You have to work and whatever job you do whether you like it or not, you have to do it and cannot afford to take chances?

I have thought about this and it is an unfortunate thing having to work day in day out, going with the motions. I don't have all the answers but I can list some things you can do as an extra income and then eventually go full time in if you wanted to. While working, place some extra cash on setting up a computer and internet connection at home. What ever it is you see yourself doing, start putting a little bit of money aside for it.

Go online and research opportunities that might interest you. Watch out for scams and pyramid schemes.. it has to be genuine, so use discerment. If they want money from you to register, then don't do it!!!

Make a list of the things you enjoy doing and then circle the one that could earn you the most money. Advertise yourself. Say you type 80wpm. Place an add, 'typist available' A lot of people don't want a full time secretary and just want typing done for them. You can type the work out and email them. The internet has opened up so many job opportunities.

It is never too late to change your career. You are never too old to try something new. The way the economy is going universally, it would be good to work on earning an extra income anyway. Don't do extra work just for the heck of it, do extra stuff you enjoy doing. Some people enjoy selling tupperware but honestly if it is something you hate, then you are wasting your time and in the end it will bring you further down instead of build you up.

Life is difficult and making some choices are scary. A wise person once said, "if you don't plan, then you plan to fail" So plan ahead while you have a job. Always have goals. Never let go of your dream. But don't let the dream overtake you because that can also bring about dissapointment.

You might not have a choice but while you don't have a choice, it won't harm you to seek out other opportunities available. People make money out of blogging. Education is good but it takes personality to get the job done and experience is key! I couldn't bead to save my life two years ago but now, I can bead watches, necklaces and anything else. I don't always sell jewelry, it is usually around christmas that the sales pick up. Sometimes I have a big order of 900 necklaces for functions. The key is to put yourself out there. You have nothing to lose. All this can be done whilst working and over time, who know's, you could have a big time business of your own.

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